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In the AI Era, People Who are Good at Using Things are More Important than People Who are Good at Remembering Things

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  • Post last modified:2023년 11월 20일


In the rapidly evolving landscape of the AI era, the value of skills is undergoing a significant transformation. While traditional education has long emphasized the importance of memorization, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) is shifting the focus towards the practical application of knowledge. This article delves into why being adept at utilizing tools and technologies is becoming more crucial than the ability to recall information.

The Evolution of Learning

Historically, education systems around the world have placed a strong emphasis on rote learning and memorization. However, as AI continues to permeate various aspects of our lives, the approach to learning is changing. We are now witnessing a paradigm shift where the ability to interact with and leverage AI tools is gaining prominence.

AI in Everyday Life

AI’s influence is evident in our daily routines, from smart home devices to personalized recommendations on streaming platforms. These AI-driven technologies not only make life more convenient but also demonstrate how crucial it is to understand and utilize them effectively.

The Importance of Being Adaptable

In the face of rapid technological advancements, adaptability is key. Those who can quickly learn to use new tools and technologies will have a distinct advantage. Creativity and problem-solving skills, augmented by AI, are becoming essential in navigating this new era.

AI Era : Memory vs. Application

While memorizing information has its place, the real power in the AI era lies in application. Understanding how to apply knowledge, particularly in conjunction with AI tools, is far more valuable than simply recalling facts.

Education System Reforms

Recognizing the significance of practical skills, educational systems worldwide are beginning to integrate AI and hands-on learning into their curricula. This shift aims to prepare students for a future where AI plays a central role.

Workplace Transformation

The rise of AI is also reshaping the job market. Skills once deemed essential are being reevaluated, with a growing emphasis on the ability to work alongside AI technologies.

Skillsets for the Future

In this new landscape, skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability are paramount. Continuous learning and the willingness to embrace new technologies are essential for success.

AI and Human Collaboration

The most effective use of AI comes from its collaboration with human intelligence. From healthcare to finance, we see numerous instances where this synergy is driving innovation and efficiency.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the rapid advancement of AI presents challenges, it also opens up a wealth of opportunities. Navigating this AI-centric world requires a mindset geared towards continuous adaptation and learning.

Preparing for the Future

To thrive in the AI era, individuals must focus on developing skills that complement AI technologies. Lifelong learning and a commitment to skill development are key.


As we advance further into the AI era, the emphasis on using over remembering becomes increasingly apparent. The future belongs to those who can adapt, learn, and effectively apply knowledge in tandem with AI.